Employer dashboard

The primary entry point for an Employer facing payroll feature, it provides an overview of upcoming payroll runs, tasks, and a review of recent payroll activity.

Available as:
Employer dashboard

Employer dashboard experience


userTokenStringRequired. A User Token with EMPLOYER_ADMIN access role for the specified Employer.
employerIdStringRequired. The id of the Employer.
showPayrollRunReportsBooleanA flag that determines if the Download Cash Requirements Report and Download Payroll Journal Report buttons are shown on each payroll run in the payroll run list. If omitted, defaults to true.
runPayrollOptionsRunPayrollReadOnlyOptionsOptions for configuring what elements should be shown as read only in the run payroll experience. See the Run Payroll reference for the options object details.

Refer to the reference on creating elements for the additional options that are available to all elements.

Embedded usage

Element name: employer-dashboard

Refer to the guide on how to embed an Element with Salsa.js for more detailed instructions.


salsa.elements.create('employer-dashboard', {
  userToken: 'eyJhbGciO...ajs0Wqw', 
  employerId: 'er_e8343fc7-9d63-4cc5-81ed-c573fc666d37'